Exercise As Medicine.

wellbeing Sep 27, 2022
Exercise physiologist, Wynter Chan sitting cross legged in a yoga studio.

We're excited to feature this guest blog post from our very good friends over at Melbourne Yoga and Pilates (MYP)!

MYP are sponsoring our next Peer Supervision session on Wednesday 28th September and founder and exercise physiologist, Wynter Chan will be leading breath work and light stretching to help our practitioners feel a sense of grounding before they dive into their reflective session.

Learn more about exercise physiology and the links between physical and mental health from Wynter Chan below!

Dear psychologists: Do you have an overwhelming patient waitlist and feeling that you cannot help everybody? Do you yourself pour too much from your own cup as a practitioner but hardly have time to refill it?

As healthcare providers ourselves, we have had our own share of challenges the past 2+ years. It is time to take care of ourselves and our patients by exploring how exercise physiology can help as a modality to manage mental health.

You might not be too familiar with exercise physiology but we have been around for a very long time and our profession is recognised under Medicare’s Chronic Disease Management Plan, NDIS, Workcover, DVA and TAC schemes. We believe that exercise can be medicine and alongside traditional pharmaceutical methods, is an often overlooked modality. We apply our 4+ years of tertiary knowledge and evidence-based practice to assist our patients not just in physical rehabilitation but also behavior change. At Melbourne Yoga and Pilates, our practitioners blend a unique approach of exercise physiology together with yoga and Pilates to create patient-centric individualised programs in a collaborative team care approach.

Physical activity can help promote positive mental health by improving mood, motivation and energy levels. Not to mention better sleep and managing chronic diseases like diabetes. Exercise physiologists identify and address any psychosocial barriers towards exercise participation and throughout their interactions with patients, regularly update GPs and psychologists on treatment plans and progress. Despite what is portrayed in the media, exercise is not designed to be restrictive and punishing regimes but instead should take into account every individual’s medical history. We do not measure progress by numbers on the scales but rather physiological markers like HRV and resting heart rate.

It has never been easier to access Exercise Physiology services. We have expanded our service offerings to include Telehealth and now consult with clients all over the world. At Melbourne Yoga and Pilates, we want to help more people and help more often. With your help, we believe we can do so and help enrich the lives of many. Please connect with us on LinkedIn and we would love to continue the conversation.

“Working with the exercise physiologists at Melbourne Yoga and Pilates has enabled a spectacular turn around in my overall health using body strengthening exercises to overcome chronic fatigue and mental health challenges. They are a fun, inventive and positive team to work with using ZOOM to replace normal exercise sessions during the darker days of the pandemic. Everything is always about a good health result be it exercise, attitude and all other aspects of physiology. I can highly recommend the MYP team.” - Steve Silva


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